Basic Lawn Care Terms of Service

Please help MowHawks keep our Basic Lawn Care package easy and affordable by following these guidelines. Thanks!

What's Included and What's Not

Basic weekly and every other week service includes mowing grass, trimming around obstacles, edging concrete areas, and blowing grass clippings off porches, sidewalks, and driveways. The service does not include weed control in the lawn or beds, picking up sticks, raking leaves, etc. Ours is a basic service.

Pricing, Minimum Visits, and Cancellation Fee

Our instant quote tool uses county land tax records to determine how long it will take our crew to service your property. We do not have contracts for basic weekly lawn care. However, we require a minimum of (4) consecutive weekly or every other week visits. (this is for every mowing season) If you cancel before the minimum number of visits, you will be charged a $100.00 cancellation fee.


Payment for your lawn mowing service is conveniently billed to your debit or credit card the day after your lawn is mowed. MowHawks uses a 3rd party payment processor that is LEVEL ONE PCI compliant. We never see any more than the last 4 digits of your card. Printed account activity is available upon request.

Lawn Mowing Day and Time

MowHawks’ crews normally mow Monday through Thursday and are in a designated neighborhood each of those days. You will be assigned a specific mow day; however, we cannot guarantee the time of day. To work your lawn into the schedule, the first 2 mows may be on different days. By the third visit, your day will be consistent except for weather rescheduling. You will receive an email within 24 hours of signing up that provides your lawn care day. Always contact the office to notify us of special things happening in your yard, like contractor work, adding a new tree, etc. so we can put it in the crew sheets. Do not just tell the crew, there are times when crews are switched.

Extra Work Charges

Our prices assume a mostly level lot with few obstacles. If there are any hills, ditches, or other obstacles that would prevent us from completing the service in our normal time frame, there may be an extra charge after the first visit. We will contact you before continuing service if the price will be higher than the regular price. If we do not agree on a new price, you may cancel without being charged the cancellation fee.

Any lawns higher then 5 inches will be charged extra. If your lawn gets higher then 6 inches and you are doing bi-weekly mows you must switch to weekly mows to prevent the extra charge. Charge depends on height and the amount of time it take to do the yard. Extra fee ranges from $20.00 to double the amount of the yard fee.

Lawn Mowing Frequency and Heights

MowHawks offers weekly and every other week lawn mowing service. We do allow a few skips for weekly customers, which is explained later in this page. Your lawn will look a lot better mowed every week. MowHawks also mows at certain heights according to grass type and recent temperatures and rain fall amounts. Many people unknowingly mow their lawns too short causing their grass roots to weaken which invites more weeds. Unfortunately, we cannot honor requests to mow shorter.

Lawn Mowing Season

MowHawks’s lawn mowing season typically begins mid-March and ends mid-November. This may vary by several weeks due to temperature and weather. You can expect approximately 32 to 35 weeks of regular weekly service.


On weeks when a national holiday falls Monday through Thursday, we will adjust the rest of the week’s schedule by one day so that we will service all remaining lawns the day after they were scheduled to be mowed.

Customer Requested Skips & One Time Schedule Changes

Weekly customers can skip a week of lawn mowing if needed. Please note that our crews do not make the decision whether your lawn needs mowing, so you will need to notify us by email to skip a scheduled mowing. Please also note that if the lawn is skipped and the next scheduled lawn mowing requires additional time, MowHawks reserves the right to charge an additional service fee. For a requested skip to take effect, you must notify us by 5pm EST the day before mowing and Friday by 5pm EST to skip a Monday mowing. Service will be resumed the following week. After meeting the (4) consecutive mow minimum, you may skip up to 3 times per calendar year. Every other week customers are not provided the ability to skip mowing. If a customer needs their lawn mowed on a different day for a special occasion we will do our best to accommodate. We may need to charge an additional fee depending on the truck routing schedule. This will be determined on a case by case basis. After you will need to notify us by email to skip a scheduled mowing, failure to do so will result in a $25.00 trip charge. If you have a contractor in your yard the crew will not cut it unless you email or call the office to give approval. Failure to do this will result in a $25.00 trip charge. (the homeowner takes full responsibility of any damage that may be caused to the contractor)


You may cancel your service with us anytime you wish, for any reason, without a cancellation fee once the (4) mow minimum is met. Please understand though, that if you do not cancel your service, we will return to your house from week to week. If you wish to cancel, you must notify us by email. Cancellations must be submitted by 5pm EST the day before your mowing and Friday by 5pm EST for Monday visits.


If we arrive to your property and cannot mow a portion of the yard due to a pet being outside, you will still be charged full price. Our crews are very careful about closing gates before they leave, but we do not guarantee that a pet will not escape from the yard. Therefore, you accept our service with this provision. MowHawks is not responsible for lost or injured pets.

Items in the Yard

We ask that you please pick up all small items such as toys, hoses, pet waste, and other items in your yard before our technicians arrive each week. Large items such as lawn furniture and trampolines will not be moved.


Please be sure to unlock all gates on you mowing day. Also, be sure that nothing is blocking the gate access (i.e. cars). Our primary mowers need a minimum of a 38″ gate opening and room to maneuver around any obstacles near the opening. If we arrive and the access is blocked, we will try to get a smaller “push style” mower in the blocked area to mow. In that case, there will be an additional fee ranging from $5 to $20 depending on the size of gated area to be cut. This is not applicable to areas that we must use a smaller mower such as gates that are smaller than 38″ wide and areas that can only be accessed by a smaller mower due to terrain issues.

Watering and Rain

Please do not water your lawn on your lawn care day as it will create clumping in the grass. We mow in light to moderate rain. Our mowers are lightweight and do not damage healthy lawns. If there are heavy or sustained rains, we will adjust the schedule. YOU MUST CONTACT US TO SKIP YOUR YARD IF IT IS SUPER WET!!! WE ARE NOT RESPONSEABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DUE TO YARDS BEING SUPER WET WHERE THE MOWERS MIGHT SINK OR LEAVE RUTS!!  CREWS DO NOT MAKE THE DECISION NOT TO MOW!

Cars, People, Etc.

Trimmers can shoot items, such as small rocks, out at a high rate of speed. Therefore, we are extra cautious when people and/or cars are in close proximity. We will trim as best as we can but would rather miss a few grass blades and risk a complaint than injure a person or damage property. This is relevant when trimming around a blacktop driveway as chunks of blacktop are present where weeds and grass grow into the driveway.


Please contact us by email as soon as possible if you think we may have damaged any of your property. If landscape lights are in mulch beds they will not create an issue. When they are placed in the grass or their wiring is exposed, they are easily damaged. Although we will take extreme care near these items, we will not be responsible for any damage to them unless it is obvious negligence. We are not responsible for minor damage to wooden fence posts. String trimmers always cause minor wear on wooden posts.


We strongly recommend that you protect your trees/plants with either tree guards or a mulch ring. Although crews are VERY careful around trees, we cannot guarantee they will not be damaged. MowHawks will not be responsible for tree/plant damage, unless it is obvious negligence. We are not responsible for plants planted in the turf without proper protection, i.e. mulch, rock, etc.

Credit Card Information Changes

If you receive a new credit/debit card in between mowings, visit your Account page and update your payment information. For security purposes, we cannot access your account and cannot take new credit card information over the telephone.

Declined Cards

If the current card we have on file is declined our payment processor will automatically try again the following day. If the card does not go through a second time, we will contact you by phone and/or email for another card. We will suspend service temporarily until the situation is remedied.

Next Year

You are considered a customer from year to year. Unless we hear otherwise from you, we will automatically show up to mow your lawn next season. We will provide a courtesy call approximately 2 weeks before the start of the mowing season.